My relationship with sleep has morphed a couple of times throughout my life. As an adult I can't get enough of it. All I think about its curling up with my big white blanky and passing out. But when I was little I never wanted to sleep. My parents always talk about how they'd put me down for a nap and find me up and about doing God knows what while everyone else was going about their business. I have two theories as to why this occurred.
(This is my first born sleeping the day away. He's almost 11 now. Just kills me.)
1. I was scared shitless to close my eyes. My childhood home was (and still is) terrifying. It's dark, cold, in the middle of nowhere and creepola sounds abound round the clock. I remember sleeping with the lights on and the covers completely encompassing my head (so Dracula couldn't get at my neck, of course). I dreaded night.
2. MY PARENTS ARE LOUD AS HELL! My Father has always been hard of hearing so his tv only has one volume- as high as it will go. My Mother always managed to put the dishes away at naptime or at bedtime. Clanking dishes and silverware aren't soothing, I don't care who you are.
Fast forward to now- I have yet to find a job and seeing as no one wants to give me a house and pay all my utilities my children and I are currently living with my parents. I love my parents and I am BEYOND grateful to them for taking us in with open arms. Now that I'm an adult I actually appreciate their creepy old house. I adore the fact that it isn't all new and granite counter topped out. That's not my style. Old is good;). Having said all that this really isn't a super happy time for me. I like being independent. It felt unbelievably good to have a place of my own, pay all the bills myself, leave shit everywhere if I wanted, on a whim bake a pie and NOT clean up for a day...
One of the biggest drawbacks of moving home??? Noise during naptime. I really don't see or hear my parents much. They stay in their rooms for the most part. But for some crazy reason when it's time for my 3 year old to take a nap it's a fucking Mardi Gras up in here. My Dad is shuffling back and forth and my Mom is talking on the phone loud as all get out or cooking with really large metal pots. The worst part is, I CAN'T SAY A DAMN THING! I know they would quiet down if I said something but this is THEIR house. I'm not about to tell someone what they can and can't do in their own home.
As I type this the 3 year old is in bed and all is quiet, thank GOD. I need my children to sleep. I mean.....I.NEED.MY.CHILDREN.TO.SLEEEEEEEEP. There's no messing around with sleep when it comes to kids. I will stop breathing if it means my child will sleep longer. I will stand in a corner and not fucking move for 3 hours if it brings me 3 hours of quiet. I love to sleep more than I love chocolate but I will gladly give up my sleep to my children because when they don't get their sleep....well, that's just not something I want to think about. Not now, anyway. Not when I'm getting MY quiet time. White blanky time!