Saturday, April 27, 2013

Alice- The Part Time Good Choice Maker

     I've made an interesting introspective observation about my online activity choices and how they make me feel. Being on Facebook....well....I don't think I have to go into detail here. Pretty much makes me feel like Creepy McCreeperson every single time I loggon. 'Bout sums it up. I almost always experience these weird anxious butterflies when I'm on there. I feel like I'm missing something...or waiting for something....or late for something. Anyone who knows me knows full well that being late for anything is serious business in my world. Freaks me out. Cannot stand the thought of NOT being fuckin' early. Anyway, that's how facebook makes me feel and yet there I am...motherfuckin trolling along. That isn't a new realization, though.

     Now comes the precious new lightbulb. How do I feel when I'm on Pinterest? I hear a lot of people say they feel overwhelmed when they are on there and I can understand that. Pin after pin after pin of visual information. That could be too much for some people. Not me. When I get on Pinterest I immediately get this calming feeling. It covers me like a comfy cozy blanket. Huge fan of the visual stimuli, rightcheer!

     There isn't any jealousy/envy or competitiveness OR anxiousness involved in perusing Pinterest. See somethin' ya like, create a board, pin it.....and then keep on a pinnin'. I don't do it for anyone but myself....a lot like this here blog. My absolute favorite thing to find pins for is my "The House That Alice is Going to Build" board. Now that I've achieved my goal of finding a job (not only "a" job my the job of my dreams) I'm going to keep going until I have everything I've ever wanted. Pinterest allows me to put all those ideas in one beautiful spot-a folder containing lovely pictures of everything I could possibly want in my dream abode!
Yes, I wanna live in a barn. 

     I'm an optimist, not a moron. I know attaining this goal isn't going to be easy or fast. Luckily, on top of being an optimist and non-moron I'm an extreme procrastinator (kind of like an extreme hoarder only with less flies;). That means I can believe I will have my house as much as I want for a really really REALLY long time:D. Just thinking and planning by pinning the hours away makes me content.

     But planning my cabin/barn dream home in the woods isn't the only thing I think about when I'm on Pinterest. Pinterest has saved my teacher ass many times over. I can type in anything and come up with lesson plans and strategies galore! I can do this on google, of course, but Pinterest filters all the fuck ton of crappy lessons out of the bunch. Alls I gets is the good stuff, baby:). Let's see, what Fuck yeah! DIY crafty shit? Yepper!!! Ideas for getting my 4 year old to stop whining?.....not as of yet but I'm not giving up hope. Why? Because I'm a motherfucking optimista and I believe in Pinterest! Kinda the way children believe in Santa:D. Actually, it does kinda feel like Christmas morning when I hit refresh and see 500 new pins to sift through:)

     Does this mean I'm going to give up Facebook? Probably not. However, the good news is I feel a nice little balance within the force. When I'm up late eyeballing someone's page and feeling ookier than a motherfucker I am comforted with the fact that I can shoot on over to Pinterest for my sin atonement. Instant balance. My creeper anxiety subsides and I'm once again knee deep in enticing photographs of indoor hammock swings and pithy posters of bored looking kittens proclaiming their hatred for Mondays. BALANCE...and good choices....with a little dab of trouble. That's me;)

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